Are you pregnant and looking for information about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and parenting? Are you looking for support during labor and birth? Do you need information and support after your baby´s birth?
Here is the list of our doulas and postpartum doulas helping English speaking women and their families.

Who is a doula

A doula is an experienced and specially trained woman who offers emotional and practical support to a woman (or couple) before, during and after childbirth. She is not a medical professional. A doula does not make decisions for clients or intervene in their clinical care. She provides informational and emotional support, while respecting a woman’s decisions.
The services offered by a doula vary greatly according to the needs of the mother or parents-to-be.
Before childbirth the doula usually meets with the mother (or couple) at least once face to face, and then is available by phone or for additional meetings.
During labor the doula offers help and suggestions on comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation, movement and positioning. The doula can also encourage the father to participate in the birth to a level at which he feels comfortable. The doula’s most important role is to provide nurturing, continuous support and reassurance.
After childbirth the doula can help with breastfeeding and supports the new family in her new role. The mother and the father can speak about their birth experience and their feelings as parents.

More information about doulas

Research shows that mothers (parents) who receive support from a doula:

  • feel better about their birth experience
  • have greater self-confidence
  • feel more secure and cared for
  • have less postpartum depression
  • spend more time with their babies

Research has also shown that having a doula present at birth in average:

  • reduces the mother’s request for pain medication and/or epidurals
  • shortens labour
  • decreases the chance of caesarean section
  • decreases the use of oxytocine
  • helps fathers participate with confidence
  • increases success in breastfeeding
Available 10 doula (doulas) speaking English
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Andrea Forberger

Certifikovaná dula

Porodní dula
Brno, Blansko, Boskovice

cze de eng
Profilové foto Jitka Matýšková

Jitka Matýšková

Certifikovaná dula

Porodní dula

cze eng

MVDr. Ivana Bednářová, Ph.D.

Certifikovaná dula

Porodní a poporodní dula
Brno a okolí, Vyškov, Kroměříž

cze eng

Terezie Roubalová

Certifikovaná dula

Poporodní dulaPorodní dula
Brno a oblasti jižně od Brna, Hodonín, Břeclav, Vyškov...

cze eng

Mgr. Kristýna Beránková

Certifikovaná dula

Porodní dula
Brno a okolí, Vyškov.

cze eng

Majka Staňková

Certifikovaná dula

Porodní dula
Brno a okolí

cze eng

Petra Sommerová

Certifikovaná dula

Porodní dula

cze eng

Renata Šerek

Dula absolventka

Porodní a poporodní dula

cze eng pl ru

Kristína Klasová

Dula absolventka

Poporodní dula
Brno, Brno-venkov

cze eng

Karolína Miková

Dula studentka

Porodní dula
Uherské Hradiště, Kroměříž, Zlín, Vsetín, Vyškov, Olomouc, Prostějov, Přerov

cze eng